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Join our growing pageant as we welcome you!


All pageant applications must be mailed, emailed, or dropped off with a member of the Fair Board or Pageant Committee by July 28, 2023! 


Entries will be marked by postmark, email timestamp, or date/time of hand delivery for lineup order during the pageant.


Continuing from 2022 we will have SEVEN age categories as well Talent, Photogenic, and People's Choice winners! 


NEW for 2023 there will be a Photogenic category!


Winners will receive a Crown or Tiara, Sash and a beautiful bouquet of roses. Miss Rockbridge Fair will receive a $500 scholarship at the completion of her duties as Queen!


All ages will compete in casual wear and formal wear (or Sunday Best as may be age appropriate).


**Infant Miss (Ages 0-11 months) will compete in Casual Wear and Sunday Best. A parent or guardian must escort their contestant on the stage! Contestants are also eligible to enter the Photogenic portion of the competition.**


**Wee Miss (Ages 1-2 years) will compete in Casual Wear and Sunday Best. A parent or guardian is more than welcome to escort their contestant on the stage! Contestants are also eligible to enter the Photogenic portion of the competition.** 


**Tiny Miss (Ages 3-5 years) will compete in Casual Wear and Sunday Best/Formal Wear. While we expect most of these little ladies to be able to walk on stage alone, they may certainly have a parent or guardian help them to the stage! Contestants are also eligible to enter the Photogenic portion of the competition.**


**Little Miss (Ages 6-8 years) will compete in Casual Wear and Sunday Best/Formal Wear. We expect these lovelies will be able to walk to the stage unescorted for their time in front of the judges. Contestants are also eligible to enter the Photogenic portion of the competition.**


**Pre-Teen Miss (Ages 9-12 years) will compete in Casual Wear and Sunday Best/Formal Wear. Pre-Teen Miss Contestants are also eligible to enter the Talent and Photogenic portion of the competition!**


**Junior Miss (Ages 13-15 years) will compete in Casual Wear and Formal Wear, and should also bring business attire for the interview portion of their competition. Contestants will be notified of their interview times via email at least 3 days prior to the pageant. Junior Miss Contestants are eligible to enter the Talent and Photogenic portion of the competition!**


** Miss (Ages 16-19 years) will compete in Casual Wear and Formal Wear, and should also bring business attire for the interview portion of the competition. Contestants will be notified of their interview times via email at least 3 days prior to the pageant. Miss Contestants are eligible and encouraged to enter the Talent and Photogenic portion of the competition!**


Submit by mail to: RRFE, P.O. Box 758, Lexington, VA 24450

Submit by email to:


Have more questions? We'd love to answer them! Just call or email and we'll respond as soon as we are able!

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